Victoria Falls
Winter: May-September – Low rainfall
Summer: October to April – rainfall
The best season to visit: April to October (After rainy season in Summer April to October is dry, cooler and the Victoria Falls at full capacity)
Kruger National Park
Winter – May-September – Low rainfall
Summer – October – April – High rainfall
Best time to visit: May to September (Vegetation is sparser and the chances of animal spotting is greater, it is also cooler so animals move around more and the milder temperatures are more enjoyable for guests)
Kwa-Zulu Natal
Winter: May – September low rainfall
Summer: October – April (rainfall March to August)
The best season to visit: All year-round. It is generally hot or warm with the exception of the rainy season which is cool but not cold.
Garden Route, West Coast and Cape Town
Winter: May- September – High rainfall
Summer: October – April – Low rainfall
The best time to visit: Summer as winter is cold and rainy. However, being Africa the days are generally warm and sunny but it can rain for days on end.