The appearance of the SATSA logo is a sign of quality and commitment to service excellence and recourse for buyers and tourists.
SATSA members adhere to a strict Code of Conduct and are required to submit documentation pertaining to their business annually so that the association can verify they are indeed running a healthy business that can be recommended to international tour operators.
Members are bonded with third-party indemnity, ensuring financially sound relationships when using them as suppliers.
All SATSA members:
Have Integrity: Adhere to a strict Code of Conduct.
Are Legitimate: Company registration checked annually, and assurance provided that they are legally allowed to use their trading name
Are Financially Stable: Solvency checks are conducted annually
Are Legally Compliant: In accordance to regulations governing the tourism industry
Are Insured: Appropriate insurance cover with minimum indemnity limits
Are Bonded*: Your pre-tour deposits are guaranteed
Terms & Conditions apply
Our members offer a wide-range of services and products across the region and are fit to serve any tour operator sending clients into Southern Africa. We are very proud that every year, SATSA members feature as winners in international and local travel and tourism award programmes.